Monday, April 22, 2019

Tuesday, 2 April 2019: Casa Colibri

I was touched by this young lady reading a book while her mom and aunt finished their breakfast.  
I hope she continues to read by the beach whenever she can!

We’ve been saying goodbye, packing, and getting ready to go for a week.  We had our last breakfast at Peter's over the weekend.  Today, we focused on the house.  Although it is totally different that getting ready to leave Brussels to head south, this departure has its hurdles.  I cleaned out the frig and gave shrimp and vegetables to Katherine; thankfully Abraham will be able to use many of the items too.  We packed and covered clothes and cosmetic/drug items.  Justin left instructions for the yard and I left instructions for the house.  Again, thankfully, Abraham knows what to do perhaps even more than we know.  (If the reader gets the idea that we are thankful for Abraham, that’s a good thing!)

We met with Jake and Leslie and paid a retainer for first rights of refusal on the property across the street.  We have copies of papers to scan to Alonso to make sure everything is in order first.  I have reservations about buying the property but I think we will progress nonetheless.

Outside Celestun, Mick Jagger, 75, can’t go on tour based on his doctor’s orders.  Is this the end of an era?
Houston lost last week in their basketball tournament and I am reminded that once “March madness” had nothing to do with basketball.

There were a couple of pieces missing in Katherine's jigsaw puzzle.  
She is winding down too in getting ready to depart.

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