Monday, April 22, 2019

Thursday, 21 March 2019: Yucatán

Went to Hunucma to see Mack.  Thankfully, the conversation went better than we feared.  We are supposed to go back on 1 April to look.  That seems rather late for completion and installation since we are planning to leave on the 4th, but again, we are spending way too much money to settle.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Miguel and Soms’ son continued putting up concrete and Ivan and Jonathan continued taking it down.  We are adding shelves in the kitchen for placement of the granite and later cabinets.  We are upgrading and adding electrical outlets and switches.  

I am confident that Gloria and Frank will be glad when this part of the work is over.  I know I will be as it is loud and it is messy.

We got the spotlight for our guy outside connected.  He still has a hole in his tummy but at least the illumination is better.

We bought tamales on the way home from running errands for a very late lunch. This drive gave us a chance to observe the progress being made on the new Oxxo in town.  At first I doubted it would be open before we left for the summer, but now, maybe...  Celestun will really be on the map when they have their own Oxxo!

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