Monday, April 22, 2019

Friday, 22 March 2019: Casa Colibri

Sandra has just been wicked at Pilates lately.  She knows we are all leaving soon so she talks about “homework” as we do even more ab work.

Justin typically takes the dogs to the beach during Pilates.  He had a long chat with Jordan while he was out there today.  Packer season tickets were near the top of their list of topics of conversation today.  Also at the top of the list was the fact that Willow is pretty much potty trained (she turns two this week), family plans for spring break, and they had to put Charlie down.  This is a big darned deal for any family.  I didn’t particularly like Charlie but I feel bad for Jordan.

After Pilates I went to the beach to join Justin and to escape the sounds of progress in the house.  We’ve had workers in the house all week. Banging. Miguel puts it up and Jonathan knocks it down.

I spotted a wheel barrow somewhere out on the grounds a couple of days ago.  I exclaimed to Justin how cool that would look in the yard in Brussels as a planter.  He told me no, I couldn’t take it back in the car.  I knew that but it would still make a cute planter as it had lots of character it its rust and dings.  Today we spotted the wheel barrow placed and planted in a prime location in our side yard.  I didn’t ask Abraham to do it and Justin said he didn’t either.  Now, with a desert rose proudly thriving inside, the wheel barrow has a new life.

Aholi had her baby! Bethania is here!  Mom and baby are fine.

 Today I thought of the Japanese word “shoganai”. Roughly translated it means “it can’t be helped.”  If something is out of your control, you need to not dwell on it, but instead focus on things where you might have a positive impact.  Somehow, I see this connected to “manana.”

This kitty doesn't mind that we've 
rearranged the biblioteca (library).

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