Monday, April 22, 2019

Tuesday, 9 April 2019: Alvin

Duff day around the house.  Uncle Harold spent a good bit of time cleaning up his desk after finishing taxes. That chore is waiting for me when we return to Green Bay.  I filed for an extension so I don’t have to sweat just yet.

 Justin and I went for a walk in the neighborhood while Charlsy went to work for a couple of hours at the local food pantry.  I saw a red mailbox shaped like a football that read "Roll Tide".  Folks from Alabama are pretty outnumbered here.  I also saw a flag waving in one yard that had a picture of a semi-automatic rifle and the words "come and take it".  Almost every Texas knows that these were the words sewn into a flag that flew at the Battle of Gonzales in what was perhaps the first battle in the Texas fight for independence.  Texas fighting spirit aside,  I can't say I like it used in this context.

Four of my favorite guys 
and delicious tenderloin fillets from Perry's meat Market.

Hal and Will came over for steaks.  Charlsy showed me a new way to nuke corn on the cob and then clean it — effortless. I’ll be doing it that way from now on!

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