Monday, April 22, 2019

Sunday, 7 April 2019: Mexico into US (Saltillo to Alvin)

 The terrain had changed yet again and today the license plates changed too.  The closer we got to the border the more Texas plates we saw.  And once we crossed the border at about 12:30pm, well, of course there were more.

We were home and the wildflowers were here to greet us.  We saw our first

bluebonnets a bit after 3pm.

We were on the hunt for BBQ.  As we drove through Beèville, Goliad and Victoria we found restaurants that were closed on Sunday or if they had been opened, they closed at 3 or 4 pm.  We should reconsider ever returning on a Sunday. We finally found BBQ in El Campo at Prasek's Hilje Smokehouse.  Justin was pleased with his ribs but I was totally disappointed in my chopped beef sandwich.  I am used to chopped beef being brisket that they run a knife through once or twice.  This was a totally different product.  It was more like a sloppy joe.  Yuck.  At least the iced tea was good.

Our odometer read 30,758 when we pulled into Uncle Harold’s in Alvin.  Our four day journey was just over 2,000 miles.  We were safe; we were home.

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