Monday, April 22, 2019

Thursday, 11 April 2019: Austin

I got up early enough to talk to Dellene before she went to work.  But, we had so much to talk about she ended up running late anyway.  Justin and I were able to have a lazy, lazy morning. We read, I worked on the blog a bit and we watched a bit of HGTV and the Food Network too.

The Whole Food Market flagship store is in Austin.  Justin said he’d never been to a Whole Foods so that was on the top of the hit parade this morning.  We both enjoyed wondering through the isles looking at all the epicurean items and just watching the people.  Justin was particularly impressed that he could have a beer right there in the market so we settled right in at the bar. Justin said that next time we go we shouldn’t have a menu in mind already.  Tonight’s dinner will be rotisserie chicken, wilted spinach salad, roasted Brussels sprouts, mustard potato salad and a artesian nine grain bread from their on-site bakery.  I am ready to cook again.  I’ve got some recipes picked out and  I can’t wait until fresh produce is available from farmers market.

Dellene had plans to go to a “retire ready” wine and cheese event.  She invited us to go with her but instead, I chose to pass.  That meant Justin and I could stay at home and watch more HGTV and Food Network.

Some people clean their house before company comes. Dellene had her yard cleaned up. She said she didn't want Justin to have a heart attack.  42 bags later, I think the waste management folks might have had a heart attack!

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