Monday, April 22, 2019

Sunday, 14 April 2019: Austin to Miami, Oklahoma

After hugs and farewells we left Austin right at 9am.  Dellene had made sausage kolaches to go with Sherri’s cinnamon rolls.  She sent us on our way with a bag of oranges as well as the Readers Digest book of 120 most scenic drives in America.  We did number 77 today on our way to Miami, Oklahoma. The drive took us through “Cherokee Country.”  Justin and I both have lore in our family about being Native American, Cherokee actually.  When we did the test with, it turned out that neither of us has that at all.  Still, Justin was reminded of the Trail of Tears stories he’s heard all his life.  The dogwood and the redbuds were in bloom and the scenery was simply spectacular.  We got into Miami late enough to just fall into bed.  We were tired.

We saw more wildflowers in north Texas today than we'd seen so far anywhere.  
They are simply spectacular!

The sunset was pretty phenomenal too!

When we get into a hotel room, one of the first things we do is set up
Gemma's food and water.  This evening I guess we weren't quite
quick enough as she went into her bag to get out her own toys.  Notice how
nicely she has stacked the two doughnuts as she gets the third. 
 Later he got out her thunder-shirt.  Perhaps she was telling us 
she is tired of being in the car and wants to be home -- me too Gemma.

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