Monday, April 22, 2019

Friday, 29 March 2019: Casa Colibri

Isaac’s team was supposed to have been here yesterday to install granite in the grande cocina.  He called to let us know they were having trouble with the truck and they’d be here on Friday.  Even today when they arrived, they were in a small pickup.  That meant that they didn’t have all the stone or all needed supplies.  It also meant that three guys had had to travel in the bed of the pickup along with slabs of granite all the way from Merida.
So, today our house was loud and messy -- again.
The team worked well past dark.  Since the electricity has been disconnected in the kitchen, they were using cell phones for light for the final work of the day.  

Justin and I  made lists last night.  Lots and lots of list as there are many things to get done before we leave.  Thankfully, getting ready to leave Celestun is nothing compared to shutting down Brussels for the season but many things to do nonetheless.

Cindy, local ex-pat artist from California, did this piece as a statement 
to the trash on the beach.  It hangs in the municipal offices.

I am continuing to read “Dreamland” about the opioid crisis in America.  It is very dark and depressing but I certainly will stick with it to finish.  The Brexit saga continues.
Question if the day. If Clinton redefined “sex”, is trump redefining “exonerated “?  Mueller’s report is out after almost two years.  We got about three hundred words of a four hundred page report.  We haven’t heard the last of this one yet.

New pic of Baby Bethania!

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