Monday, April 22, 2019

Wednesday, 20 March 2019: Casa Colibri

First day of spring.  Pilates was a beast this morning.  Hosting this event in our own home three days a week has been the best thing I’ve ever done.  It means I have to show up...

Work continues on the house.  Ivan and Jonathan were here working today as well as Som’s team.  Miguel is the main masonry guy.  Soms’ son whose name I do not know seems to show up only on big mixing days.

One day soon, this will be our pantry.

No cement mixer here.  Soms' son does the work by hand.

Justin had his last dental appointment yesterday.  So for the next five to six months, the bone grafts will do their magic.

We had an interesting conversation with the receptionist as we were leaving.  I asked for a copy of our receipt, in English, so I could file for insurance reimbursement.  She asked “what is insurance?”  This was not caused from a language barrier; her English was just fine.  The look on her face said “what do you mean you can’t go to the doctor to get medical care if you need it.”  Oh, honey, if you only knew...

We went to the Mercado Lucas de Galvez, the Mecca of all markets in Merida.  The place is insanely large and loud and oh, so typically Mexican.  It was rainy today and that only added to the chaos.  One can find anything there from fresh vegetables and fish to prepared street food, clothes and shoes, hardware and cooking supplies, religious artifacts and candles, and so much more.  We were on the hunt for a shorty water tilter.  We didn’t find one but we did find new collars and leads for the dogs and flea collars for the cats.

We stopped by Hunucma on the way home.  Mack was out picking coconuts but we did go into his shop and we spotted what will be the sides and the doors of our wardrobes.  They are not right.  The spaces between the slats are too wide.  The angle on the slats is too flat.  This isn’t what we wanted at all.  We are spending way too much money to get something that isn’t even close to what we wanted.  Now what?

I made banana bread...trying to start cleaning out the frig.
Speaking of frig, the old frig is gone. $1,000 pesos in our pocket and wa-la, it was gone.

Frank told us he read that the Yucatan is in the middle of a twenty year drought.

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