Monday, April 22, 2019

Monday, 15 April 2019: Miami to Springfield, Illinois

Our drive today lead us through a bit of the Mark Twain National forest.  Again, the scenery was magnificent.  We took time for a bit of a stretch along a river.  We had to get back in the car all too soon.

When we were in St Louis we got to visit with Cousin Georgeanne for a bit.  The condo she inherited is for sale so we stopped by to see that and to visit.  We didn’t see any of the other cousins but Justin did get to talk to both Jim and Mike.  We really should spend more time there next time.

Jake and Leslie sent pics that document all the rocks have been moved.  We all think the locals will want access for Semana Santa (Easter).  Just access ot the beach is fine, but throwing their trash everywhere and stealing the sand is not.  Jake wants to get Abraham to reset the rocks regularly and or pour concrete over them.  I don't want to jeopardize Abraham nor do I think right at this holiday time is the right time to flex your muscles.  Oh, dear... what to do?

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