Monday, April 22, 2019

Wednesday, 10 April 2019: Luling into Austin

Left uncle Harold’s about 10am heading to Luling to meet Jeremy and Allison at City Market for BBQ. Great visit with them.  I still can’t believe she was able to take off a couple of hours right in the middle of tax season.  I was not disappointed with my BBQ here!

Into Austin and to Dellene’s.  We saw a few more bluebonnets along the way but not too many.  Dellene was babysitting Branson while Chris and Veronica went out to dinner so we got to see that half of the family.

It is so nice just to hang out and visit with Dellene.  There’s no pressure here, we can just hang and relax.

Dellene acts as our Postmaster when we are
on the road.  She'd told me it was time to come
home since our "mail box" was overflowing.

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