Monday, April 22, 2019

Monday, 8 April 2019: Alvin

After coffee and then toast with Price’s pimiento cheese, Justin and I left the house bound for the DMV so I could get a new drivers license.  Now I can’t say just how fun this is in other states, but in Texas I rank it right there with a root canal on the ol' fun-meter.  It seemed like several hours later and with my temporary slip in hand, we stopped by the outlet mall since we all know that retail therapy will cure most ails.

Dinner at Top Water Grill in San Leon with Hal and William was a crowning event of the day.  Chami is in Thailand so it was just the boys.  Will is following in Hals’s footsteps as he is interested in bull riding.  He’s not one to bother with mutton busting.  He’s riding calves and steers on his way to bulls.  He’s already won $120 and he is nine years old!  When Justin heard he had all this lute, he asked Will for a loan.  Will asked him “is it for a need or a want?”  Out of the mouths of babes.

The Baylor girls won in their basketball tourney but Texas Tech lost to Virginia in the final of Men’s NCAA tournament.  It was a heartbreaker in overtime.  I don’t really care one way or the other for basketball, but these were Texas teams and you have to pull for the home team, right?

 Paul McCartney will be at Lambeau Field in June. Can we go?
Packer season opener is at Soldier Field against the Bears.  Can we go?

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