Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Sunday, 28 April 2019: Bayshore

Justin and I worked this week and we played; we are pretty good at both, when we need to be (or when we get to be) anyway.

Tulips to welcome us home!
We worked in the yard and garage to start to undo the work we did in the fall to get the house ready to “lock and leave.”  I made arrangements for Lynnea to come to clean but that means I need to get everything out of the way so she can clean.  All the things that I’ve stashed here and there need to go back to their home like all the chairs that go at the dining room table in the gazebo have spent the winter in the front room in the house.  That means we need to set up the gazebo — uncover the table and the China cabinet, reconnect the gas heater, move the BBQ pit back out side and just set things up in general.  (The first thing I had to do was find the key to the gazebo since the one I had in my purse all winter was now gone!)
I do feel a little guilty getting someone to clean when our house is so small.  I can justify it because I was working and cleaning while they were here.  Actually, Justin and I both worked on the gazebo the entire time they were here; they finished, we didn’t.  Oh well...
I took Gemma to the vet for her rabies shot and bought cheese at Ron’s while I was in Luxembourg.  So Gemma has her new bling for three years and Justin and I have several pounds of Ron's two-year cheddar -- our favorite!

Asparagus is in season.  Justin found a recipe in the New York Times for asparagus and salmon pasta.  I was game and it was yummy, easy too.

As we walk around the property Justin shares his plans of how he will design and redesign beds.  When we left last fall Justin’s back, elbow and shoulder were all messed up from over-work.  I was ready to sell the Bayshore property because it was too much work and because it had “broken” Justin. Periodically throughout the winter I thought of this again and while my emotions have tempered a bit, it all comes right back when he talks about re-doing the beds yet again.  He has worked so, so hard.

The daffodils and the rhubarb are trying to come back out for spring.

The NFL Draft started on Thursday night.  We went to Green Bay distillery to watch.  Some say that Green Bay is like a college town in that everyone is so involved with the team.  It certainly is a fun place to be as we look forward to the new season.

Friday evening we went to check in at the bar/restaurant at Chadouirs Dock.  Jimmy was sloshed, Patty was cranky and Lee was holding down the fort.  In the grand scheme of things nothing had changed.  When we asked for a menu, Jimmy said not to worry, he’d take care of us — he made us a sampler plate.  He was sloshed, but it was a nice welcome home gesture.

No boats at Chadoir's Dock just yet.  A few fishermen 
go out each day, but it is just too cold for me.

Saturday it was just too cold to think about doing anything.  Justin made a big pot of pasta sauce and that was perfect for the freezing cold weather.  I think the high today was about 38’!!! Justin and I have been trying to walk each day.  Our longer loop is about two miles and we have a shorter trek that is just under a mile.  Today was too cold for me to do anything.  

Sunday I made my cheater’s omelet (I bake the eggs in a sheet pan with parchment paper then roll like a jelly roll.) and biscuits.  My new trick with biscuits is to grate frozen butter and then toss with the flour.  It may take even less time than “cutting” the butter into the flour and the end result is great.  I think Justin was pleased too. 

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