Monday, May 20, 2019

Sunday, 5 May 2019: Green Bay and Brussels

Justin went to the doctor this week.   His back and gut have been bothering him.  We both got the second shingles vaccine.  Hummer hurt; my arm was sore for a few days.  Justin also got a referral to see a dermatologist since he has a spot he’s concerned about.  Dr. Rachel said she’d do the biopsy if it was on his back but not on the end of his nose.  

The weather was described by a radio announcer as “unseasonably cool.”  I am finding more reasons just to curl up in a big fluffy sweater and socks.  I’m reading and watching tv way too much.  I simply am not going to start any outside projects.  Of course, I could be working on taxes.  We got an extension so I guess I really better get hopping on that.

We met Bill Dean at Hartung early in the week and then he met us here at Bayshore at the end of the week.  We are thinking we might put one or both properties on the market.  We weigh the options and go back and forth.  Bill has sold a couple of other houses for Justin so their relationship goes back a bit.  We will see. 

The sound of the waves used to be peaceful and soothing.  Today the pounding background sounds are a constant reminder that our shoreline is being beaten away.  Our breakwall failed at the south corner this week.  This is most depressing!

Lake levels are up and they continue to climb.  Lake Michigan is 9” higher than it was in December and it is only 19 inches from the 1987 high.   None of this is because the water is expanding from warmth!  Our shoreline is pounded daily.  Thankfully we have a different slip at Chadouirs Dock.  This year we will be on the south wall and inside a bit.  Last year we were on the west wall.  We will still need to watch carefully but this just isn’t good.   Justin was a Windjammers for the monthly meeting; water there is up to the flagpole.  Rich and Erica texted to say that the river was at capacity too.  (Deep breath)

We had our first fire of the season this week.  Jordan and his family spent the night at their cottage for the first time this season on Saturday.  They came over for an afternoon visit.  I was nice to take time to sit out by the water and visit.  


On Sunday we met Jordan and Kris and the kids at Mackinaw’s for brunch.  We’ve done this as a sort of “welcome back” for the past three years.  It was at Mackinaws where we first met Willow in 2017.  After brunch Jordan, Caleb, Jonas, and Justin and I went to see Avengers: End Game.  I don’t really know a lot of the history behind all the characters and I sure don’t need the hyper-violence but that didn’t stop me from enjoying the many, many big name actors and cameos throughout the movie.

A lone daffodil emerges
Justin and I are trying to walk each day.  It is nice to see the effect of spring not only on the plants and animals but also on the community.  More and more people are coming back to the area and setting up their cottages for the summer season.

Do I see rhubarb?

I’ve grown weary of the political bs that continues.  It just drones on and on.  I think the polls indicate that the American people might rather have a gay man in the White House than a woman.  I can’t get to riled up about that because I am totally excited about the idea that Chasten Buttigieg might champion for teachers!  

We have a new Emporer in Japan.  I was in Japan in 1989 when Hirohito died and Akihito assumed the Chrysanthemum Throne.  I read an article telling a bit of Naruhito growing up.  When his third grade teacher gave everyone English names, he informed her “I am a crown prince, I am not a Jimmy.”

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