Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Sunday, 12 May 2019: Brussels

Today was Mother’s Day.  Kris and her family were kind enough to honor me with a beautiful hanging basket.  It is now proudly hung on our patio where I can see it often.

Justin power washing Merlin early in the week
Boats in was yesterday.  Justin helped but not as much as usual since his back is still giving him grief.  Chris is buying Emerald and will work on both boats as part of the payment.  Emerald will stay on the hard this summer; Merlin was launched.  With a bit of luck we will be able to go out on her soon.  

The harbor early in the week

Noon on Saturday -- almost all boats in -- no catastrophe; all is good.

Frosty Tip opened last week!  They are open only seasonally from May through mid-September   I celebrated with a chocolate shake while Justin had a Chocolate Banana Walnut Wonder. 

I am noticing more signs of spring on my walks.  Now more and more daffodils are greeting me each day.  I also see fewer mailboxes taped up.  I still think it is strange that they can so blatantly advertise that folks are out of town, that houses are empty and it is all ok.  The post office puts bright green neon tape on your mailbox when you are gone.  It makes me think I really do live on a different planet.  A few days ago I found a carpet on Facebook's Marketplace (actually Kris found it for me.)  Justin stayed in the car while I went up to look at it and decide.  I called him from the elevator to tell him I was going into unit 301.  If they'd wanted to harvest my kidneys, I would have wanted him to know where I was last seen.  As it turned out, the lady was closing down her parents home; they are moving into assisted living.  She was from Wisconsin but now lived in Dallas.  I told her I'd never have gone into a house alone in Houston and she said she wouldn't do that in Dallas either.  Yes … different planet -- thankfully!

Last winter in Celestun my "jigsaw puzzle" was to match all the keys to their locks and doors.  Justin built a Martin house this week -- this was his jogsaw puzzle.  We are probably too late the Martins for this year but we will be ready next year.  They say one Martin will eat over 400 mosquitoes each day.  We have plenty to go around.  

Yesterday I pumped my own gas for first time in over six months.  We don't have the EOS up and running yet this season and I'd needed to borrow Kris's car for the afternoon.  I knew I couldn't return the vehicle without filling it up first so I pulled into the station and wait... oh... I need to do this.  In Mexico all gas is full service and so far this year Justin and I have been together and he's done it.  Yes, it was like riding a bicycle -- I didn't forget.  

I stopped by Tony and Mo's to get eggs.  I am quite happy to pay $2.50 a dozen for his farm eggs rather than about a dollar a dozen at the grocery store.  He's been out lately when I stopped by so I called to order.  When I asked him if he thought he'd have extra tomorrow he said "it depends on how hard the girls work tonight."  Seems his demand is higher right now so maybe I'll just place a standing order.  

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