Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Monday, 27 May 2019: Brussels

Memorial Day -- My quote for today, tweeted by an active duty member --  “Be an American worth dying for,”

We had a big bonfire Sunday evening.  Jordan and his family came to visit.  We had dogs and buns but I didn't have fixin's for s'mores.  I should know better.  

Erich, Lily and Brody came to visit.  Erich wanted to go fishing with Jordan so that meant we got the kids.  We all headed to April's for breakfast and Kris met us there.  When I walked in I told April it was a "cousin event."  Three adult and five kids.  The weather was nasty and Jordan and Erich had had enough so they joined us later too.  They tried another couple of fishing spots from piers but there day was a bust.  

Meanwhile, Justin and I had Jonas, Caleb, Lily and Brody.  They played and colored.  We watched a Woody Woodpecker movie.  At one point I found  myself in the middle of explaining what happens when you put a dog to sleep... how did I end up here?

I finally got to wear shorts one day this weekend -- finally!  

We went to a huge hosta sale on Saturday.  This lady had over 600 varieties.  Her gardens were something.  She's been at that location for 40 years.  

Justin had his first Brat of the season -- he was a man in heaven!

Finished watching House of Cards -- I am rather glad that it done.  I enjoyed it at first but it did get weird -- moving on...

More and more democrats add their names to the list. I’m still thinking Buttigieg.
Randy and Marsha (Kris' parents) came to visit.  Randy sees me as a Republican; I choose to say independent.  The current abortion topic in the news certainly has my attention.  
Trump visited Japan to meet with Abe and Naruhito -- I hang my head I shame, again.

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