Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Monday, 13 May 2019: Green Bay

The neighborhood where our house is on Hartung called a civic meeting in response to the March flooding.  This was the first time I’d been to any civic type meeting -- the mayor, councilmen, fire dept, police, etc were there to explain what they had done and to listen to constituents concerns.  We were lucky because we were not flooded and when we looked at the map of the flood line, I knew just how lucky we were.  

The meeting was held in the local elementary school -- funny how they all smell the same.  When I went into the restroom I was at first surprised to see supplies of toilet paper and paper towels. I am always surprised to see this in elementary schools -- middle and high schools would never be able offer students such easy access to these flammable items!  Yes, this is the voice of experience!
My next moment of "oh, yes, I remember this" was when the Fire Marsha started his presentation -- nothing's changed on this front -- "death by powerpoint" is alive and well.

We went to El Sarape for dinner; this is Justin's favorite Mexican food restaurant in Green Bay.  It was the first time we’ve had Mexican food since we’ve been home. I still haven’t bought avocados however --  they are as hard as baseballs and I almost faint from the sticker shock!

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