Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Wednesday, 12 June 2019: Bay Shore Road

It is very disconcerting to have our property washed away one wave at a time, but, as Justin says, at least we do have a front row seat.  More excavators, engineers, stone guys came to look today.  Fred, three houses down, invited us all over at 6pm for a consolidated pow-wow.  These guys almost seemed more interested in the permit process from the DNR (Dept of Natural Resources] than in the time and materials to do the job.  I am pretty good at the computer and I certainly have time to at least start to file the permit myself.  I can better spend the $600 they charge for the permit on stone and labor.  

It has rained all stinking day.  Justin promised that the weather in north east Wisconsin will get better the third week in June.  Ok, I am ready!!!  Thankfully the sunsets are spectacular!

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