Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Sunday, 19 May 2019: Brussels

We bought new plants at Lindlsey's -- our favorite greenhouse in Green Bay and we got most of our planters and pots planted and most of the outside toys out (swings, tetherball, chairs, wind chimes, etc).  I bought birdseed and we will have feeders up and running shortly.   I made the simple syrup for the hummingbird feeders and got three going.  (We have five going in Mexico and I hope Abraham is keeping them filled.)  I still haven’t found the solar lights so I'll keep looking.  Justin has been moving the line of border hostas on a couple of the flower beds.  (We just read that hostas first came from Japan!  I think these plants aren't too popular in Texas so I never knew about them but Justin sure does.) 

 It will be fun to watch these plants mature throughout the season.  I hope I remember to take pictures in September and compare.

 Jonas and Caleb has concerts at school this week so we got to go!  Yes, I signed in at the front office like a well-trained school visitor.  We all went to Smart Cow after for frozen yogurt for a treat.

Dave, from Waterfront Solutions, came out to look at our shoreline. It is so depressing!  We learned that to have rip-rap stones placed to prevent further erosion, the cost is about $250/ft for three feet high and $450/ft for three feet high.  We have about 280 feet of shoreline!  YIKES!

Fortunately we were able to harvest a bit of
  asparagus from our garden before it falls into the bay!

Today was the season kick off at Windjammers Sailing Club.  I went to help Terry.  She is the Bar Czar but she swears she is not the Social Director -- right...

Justin wore a Hawaiian shirt in hopes that the weather will eventually get warm and it matched nicely with Terry's Hawaiian beverage container… or maybe that is for smoking something???

Perhaps the highlight of the day was for me was that after the Sailing Club we met AnneMarie at Chaudoir’s Dock for drinks.  It was the first time we'd seen her this season.  I've missed her!

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