Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Wednesday, 6 December 2017: Celestun

I felt puny today but we went to Peter's for breakfast and ran a few errands while we were in town.  Now, it is worth mentioning that the trip into town is less than one kilometer.  It is not too far to walk and we thought about it this morning but by the time we were actually walking out the door, it was too hot so we hopped in the car.

When we got home, I decided it was time to read my book for a while and perhaps take a nap.  

What seemed like a total "day off" took a turn right about time for happy hour.  It seems Justin tangled with a pencil plant.  I didn't know the toxic nature of pencil plants and when you get poked in the eye, you know immediately that you need to take action.  Justin flushed his eye and used some eye drops with little relief.  Where is the clinic?  Are they open at 6pm?  Do they speak English?  All these things and more we learned real fast.  Dr Jessica who is from Campeche speaks English. 

Justin's quote of the day:  Things that grow in the jungle have a hard time of it.  Life is hard and things that grow there have a grudge.

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