Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Saturday, 9 December 2017: Celestun

Feli came over to work with Abraham in the yard. I was told that the top priority was to build a pen for the pigs and a run for the dogs. They were working on plants and gardens so I inquired about the change in plans. I then learned that there were no tools or materials and we had gone to plan B. Justin joined in and monitored the fire most of the day. He is excited to learn how to do what in this tropical jungle of our yard. And yes, he is wearing protective eye-wear.

Justin trimming around the front door at
Casa Maria

I had a mani/pedi at 11am.  She was running behind and we didn't get started until close to noon.  Ya know, that happens from time to time in Green Bay, in Austin, even outside of Tokyo.  What hasn't happened very often is that when finished, with tip included, I paid only MXP 160 which is about $8.  And I was very pleased!

I made my first official trip marketing.  I didn't know at all what I was going to buy because I needed to see what I could get that was fresh.  First stop was the meat market where I bought chicken.  I was kinda grossed out when he handed me back my change with his bloody non-gloved hand. And then I put those coins and bills back in my wallet. Movin' on ...  Then on to two separate produce markets, the bread store and the general grocery store.  Dinner ended up as chicken and veggies over pasta.  Both Feli and Abraham had seconds. Was that a sign that they liked it or were they just really hungry after a full days work? 

Gary, Canadian expat with means and connections (just ask him), has made who is living at Casa Maria his business.  He told Peter he had ten minutes to get out of his restaurant. There is a long and embroiled story behind all this and for now the biggest take away is that this may be the prompt Justin and I need to make a decision to buy the hacienda or to run to the hills.

Justin at sunset

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