Saturday, December 2, 2017

Sunday, 19 November 2017: Guadalajara

Shower, pack, take Gemma for a walk, go to breakfast, check out of our room, get a cab back to Puerto Clandestino in time for noon kickoff. 
Probably no need to say much about the game. 23-0. Ravens shut out Packers. First time for a shut out since 2006 or so. Anyway, we made some new Packer friends. We told them about Packers Everywhere and encouraged them to get registered. At one point Justin asked "You know the nicest thing about watching the game here as opposed to Lambeau Field?"  "Everything!"  And that was before we proved that you can order drinks during the 4th quarter. 

We watched them building this gingerbread
house in the lobby of the Hilton when we
walked home each evening to our digs at 
the Westin next door.

Justin on the patio at our AirBnB
After the game we headed back to the hotel to get our stuff and our car and we headed an hour or so southwest to Lake Chapala. At the same latitude as Hawaii and the same elevation as Denver, Chapala is home to a huge American expat community of retirees.  We had an easy check in at our AirBnB and then headed out to explore. We walked toward the lakeshore and took in the sights. It looks like a typical beach town where locals flock for the weekend. We'll be here for two nights so we will be able to see if it is as hopping tomorrow. 

Gemma's toungue kinda rolls out of her mouth
from time to time since she has no teeth anymore. 
Perhaps this horse was sympatico.

We missed the display of these dancers getting to
the top of the pole but the music was cheerful
After watching local dancers in the square we had dinner on the second floor of a local spot overlooking Lake Chapala under a palapa -- fresh guacamole and local white fish before a stroll back home through the local market. When we got back to our wouldn't start!  What!!!  Not a good thing!  Maybe we left it running?  It is silent and it doesn't have the same beeps that we are used to from our C-max. We made several trips getting everything out of the car and upstairs to our lodging. We had planned to move the car closer but that wasn't happening and we certainly couldn't leave all our stuff in an unlocked car. In one of my several trips I did find solace in the fact that the trip was closer than from the train station to my house in Hamura and it is only one flight of stairs instead of two.  After we got everything upstairs Justin started reading the manual and learned about a battery reset button that KIA had incorporated into newer hybrids. Back down to the car and ... waala...we have lights, camera, and action!!!  Bet we don't do that again soon... if that is what caused the issue.

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