Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Sunday, 3 December 2017: Merida

We spent the last couple of days getting reacquainted with Celestun, with the markets and our favorite restaurants.  Today we ventured to Merida and stopped at Rosas & Xocolate on our way to find a sports bar for the Packer game.  Located on Paseo de Montejo (wide avenue with many colonial mansions that was modeled after the Champs Elysees), we enjoyed a mimosa while listening to a great jazz trio.  We made a promise to return any given Sunday.

 After the game we stopped at Walmart and Home Depot to buy, among other things, a chain saw. Why a chain saw you ask...

Justin explained it to Linda Jolly like this ...

Probably moving to a different place in the next few days. And I mean REALLY different. Kinda kooky German lady built kind of a hacienda with lots lots of open spaces and five en suite rooms on a hectare (that's 2 1/2 acres) of land a stones throw from the water. All the rooms were for friends and she kept a menagerie on the land. She passed and the son has a pretty high position with the German government in Berlin and no further wish to be involved with Mexico. Swiss guy that has a restaurant downstairs at our hotel is overseeing the place and trying to buy it. We may try to be part of that. He's gotten rid of the horse, ducks, and rabbits but has kept five dogs, seven cats, and two pigs. I don't know if I can keep my hands off the horribly overgrown gardens but I'll try. It's SO cool!

So we moved our stuff yesterday and headed to our new home as we returned from Merida.

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