Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Sunday, 24 December 2017: Celestun

Justin's Christmas message to all:

It's beginning to look enough like Christmas--all along the beach--la la--la la la la--la la

White sand and a poinsettia, highs in the low to mid 80's, lows in the mid to high 60's, seafood and refreshing adult beverages on the beach is working for us.

We moved from our little beach hotel in town to a guest house a little north. Instead of a five minute walk to our favorite beach restaurant it's now about 12 minutes, and the barking dogs and fireworks from town are barely noticeable from here. It's pretty typical for the beach to be as deserted as it is in the photo.

Our place is a hacienda with five large en suite rooms, a lobby, and a public kitchen. There is also a large owner's quarters that will probably be a restaurant one day soon. All the interior space is arranged in a "U" with large open terraces on the inside of the U and a large, lush courtyard in the center of all that. It's on a hectare of land--about 2 1/2 acres--and other than the area from the front gate to the entrance and the courtyard, most of the grounds have been allowed to go back to the same native state as the preserve that surrounds all of Celestun.

Though it has a lobby, rooms that would be ideal for the purpose, and is furnished as such, it's never been used as a hotel. It was built by a German lady 20 years ago and it is a remarkable stone and masonry structure. All the rooms were for friends and family to use when they visited, and for the staff she kept to run the place. She passed away last May.

We became friends with Peter, the Swiss guy that has been serving as caretaker, last year when we were here. He has a little restaurant downstairs in the hotel where we stayed last year and in the beginning of this year's stay. He had been friends with Maria, the lady that built the place, and became friends with her son, who visited from Germany at least once a year. When we stopped to see Peter this year he told us about the place and asked if we would like to see it. And here we are.

We moved in three days after we first saw it and didn't even know how much we would be paying. He had been looking for someone to stay and keep an eye on the place. We said we would do that and I said I would work with the staff a little here and there to get the grounds in shape. Peter said to pay whatever we think it's worth. I didn't know what to offer. The little hotel where we stayed last year is now $30/night and this is a MUCH nicer accommodation with a location we found preferable. Similar places in the area are going for as much as $100/night. I hemmed and hawed a bit and he said, "Look, I need someone in there so what about 2000 Pesos per month?" PER MONTH! That's about a hundred bucks so we said, "Yes!" 

That's most of it, or at least enough for now. The Packer season is over, kids and grandkids are good, and we're living on a shoestring in paradise--making each other's dreams come true. 

We hope everybody is having a good holiday season, enjoying friends and family, and being good to yourselves and each other. Be in touch--our cells work just like in the states and there's no extra charge for anybody just because we're here. Think about coming to see us if you have the interest and flexibility. We'll figure out accommodations and the Merida airport is just a little over an hour away. 

Happy Holidays,
Justin and Paula

Justin and I decided a good while ago that we should spend our money of experiences rather than things.  This year however, Santa brought us a new mattress.  No, we do not yet own a house here.  I told Justin it was rather like  buying the shoes before you buy the dress ... and we know I've never done that!  We bought the mattress today about 3pm and they delivered it at 4pm.  We don't have a bed frame or headboard yet, but we aren't letting that stop us from enjoying a good night's sleep.  Ishmael, who owns the store ("Claudia") also runs flamingo tours and has a fishing boat.  What do you bet he and Justin become fast and furious compadres?

Dinner tonight at La Playita. 
One large grilled fish.  Simple and delicious!

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