Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Monday, 11 December 2017: Celestun

Justin worked in the yard.  I did laundry and cleaned our room.  Boring?  Yes, but I am loving life.

And, when "sweeping the patio" means that I swept an area that is about 9 feet wide and has three sides that are at least 70' each, mopping may just not happen on the same day.  This is the patio that surrounds the courtyard at Casa Maria.  It is all open on the inside so leaves blow up from time to time and yes, when it rains it gets wet too. 

I went to Peter's to work on our blog but wasn't able to log into the computer.  What now?
The trip wasn't a total loss because I found out the name of a dentist in Merida from Frank.
We went to dinner early since both Justin and I had massage appointments.  It was weird in that she didn't really seem to know what she was doing.  She had a bag of tricks that included a roller, some stones, a stick that reminded me of a chop stick, etc.  She did a good job on the feet but not as much can be said for the neck, should area or back.  The hour and a half was relaxing and since the price was MXP 450 (about $24) including tip for both of us, I sure didn't complain. 

Justin enjoyed pulpo en su tinta (octopus in its own ink) while I enjoyed a dish
of cameron diablo (shrimp in spicy sauce).  My shrimp were rather woven together
to stay in a nice tidy ring

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