Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Sunday, 10 December 2017: Merida

We had no water when we woke up this morning.  Of course water is a function of electricity and we are learning that the wiring in this house is rather convoluted.  

We went for a nice but quick walk along the beach and Justin worked on plants while Feli and Abraham continued to work in the yard. Today they started taking down the pen in the middle of the courtyard where they used to keep ducks and rabbits.

We took time for a quick stop at Home Depot for shower head and poinsettia as we entered Merida.  To Boston's to watch the Packers come out on top over the Browns.  Aaron Rodgers may come back next week and I guess that means we will too.

Traffic on the way home consisted of too many bicycles, runners and escort vehicles.  All of the Catholic Yucatan, as much of Mexico, honors the Virgin Guadalupe by completing a pilgrimage to focus on faith and gratitude for blessing received throughout the year, we are told. People go to Merida, then run, bicycle or walk back to their village.  Or, they start in their village and head to the cathedral in Merida.  December twelfth is the actual day to honor the patron saint but kids, old and young, start their pilgrimage in early December and the roads are lined with those honoring this tradition.  We learned that dozens are killed each year and with us on the darkest and skinniest part of the road just outside of Celestun, ... thankfully Justin was driving very carefully.  

We wanted to get home in time to talk to Peter since he met with the owner of Hotel Gutierrez today.  All is well... he reported that the owner indicated she knew Gary was stirring things up. Meanwhile Peter heard from Herr Bijan and he can commence with his restaurant any time... what does this mean for us?

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