Sunday, December 3, 2017

Friday, 24 November 2017: Puerto Vallarta

We'd decided to forego Mazatlan.  We've heard from too many people about the high level of cartel activity there.  Instead, we drove a bit north to Nuevo Vallarta  where we looked at condos and had lunch.  Justin said the pazole he had was probably the best he'd ever eaten; I had fish tacos.  Next: on to Yalepa.
According to google maps the trip should have taken a little over three hours.  When you are traveling down a road and you see a large white butterfly and then see a horse on the side of the road that is dying, consider these to be signs that you need to go back... do not pass go and do not collect $200.. just go back.  Despite the graphics from Google Maps, the road to Yalepa wasn't really a road at all from about 20 km out.  At about 1 km out we thankfully ran into some locals who told us NOT to go any farther.  We stopped, called the hotel who confirmed that advice.  We repacked our backpacks and headed out on foot.  Just as we were beginning to walk a little car tumbled past us and then got stuck about 10 yards further down the path.  Now we hadn't seen any other cars in the last 20 km.  The locals were all parked there because they knew not to go any farther.  The couple in the rental car that was now stuck, were Canadians Julia and Omar.  We learned they were headed to the same hotel we were. After Justin helped them get their car unstuck and parked we all started our trek together.  Down at the beach we ran into a couple who redirected us and told us they had taken a water taxi from Puerta Vallarta.  Oh, well, it would have been nice to have known that.  Later, we met another couple who showed us where to climb up over the rocks to get back on the path.  That same couple was with us when we waded across the river to get to the other side of the bay.  (No, I am not making this up.). We walked for maybe another half kilometer and called the hotel again for further instructions.  Check in was laborious and there was no restaurant for beverages or dinner.  We were supposed to stay for two nights but since Justin was worried about how we will get the car back up that road we decided to stay depart early.

No photos from today because I truly want to be able to forget this experience!

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