Saturday, December 2, 2017

Wednesday, 22 November 2017: Chapala

6:38am and we were on the road.  Justin knows that the promise of a beach is just about the only way to get me to ever see a sunrise.  Our ever optimistic GPS indicated that we'd arrive in Puerto Vallarta by  12:28pm. With planned stops for breakfast and comfort along the way, we were doing fine.

Looking out at the landscape, we saw a haze of blue from all the agave plants.  The farmers take advantage of every parcel of land...just like the grapes we saw planted throughout Germany and France.
We pulled off the main highway and drove through the town of Tequila.  Maybe we will come back through here for a tour of one of the tequila factories on our way back to Guadalajara.

For today, we took the road less travelled.  We ventured off the toll roads, remaining determined to reach our destination before sunset.  The rugged landscape met us.  We stopped for lunch at a road side restaurant where we had delicious pork guisada in rojo sauce which was served with rice and beans.  The homemade tortillas were huge!  

Farther down the road we tucked into a tequila factory for a tour and tasting.  We didn't buy any tequila but I was lured by two favored liquors, one coffee and one vanilla flavored.  Good alone, good mixed together, good for adding to desserts... lots of possibilities.

Gemma has finished her antibiotics.  She has a good appetite and the caterpillar on her neck is healing nicely. She must enjoy being out of pain; her teeth had to hurt.  At one point today I didn't hook up her car seat properly and the entire back seat fell down on her.  The luggage from the back shifted up and shoved her beneath the collapsed backseat, the back of the front seat and the floorboard.  She never made a sound.  That might have scared Justin and me more that it upset Gemma.

Justin was thrilled to see the indicators say that we were getting 58.8 mpg as we went through the mountains.

When we got into Puerta Vallarta we went for a walk along the beach.  There must be no way to get away from the seaweed on the Pacific, even near huge resort hotels.  We watched them release some sea turtles.  They were tiny and ideally they'll be protected from people and predators.  

Sushi for dinner in Puerta Vallarta

Justin dips his toe in the  Pacific

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