Friday, December 6, 2019

Wednesday, 6 November 2019: Casa Colibri

We had a visitor at Pilates this morning — a tiny little puppy.  When Justin went to walk the dogs he saw this tiny puppy inside a plastic bowl sitting in the hot sun on the beach.  He figured the little thing was about four weeks old.  We do not need another dog.  The puppy visited during Pilates while Justin went back to the beach and found another litter-mate.  Sandra thought she knew where the momma dog was so Abraham headed that way to try to reconnect mom and pups.  

Justin and I had ordered a huge sack of sour oranges for pick up today.  I went into town to get them not too long after lunch.  I’d mentioned my squeezing plan for the afternoon and extended an invitation to all at pilates.  Little did I know, we’d be hosting a party.  Tim and Janet came over as did Ed and Angela.  Jeremy came over too.  Janet helped a bit and she brought over a bottle of tequila as well as a loaf of her famous mango bread.  Throughout the afternoon, Justin was reminded of the children’s story.  Today’s version was changed to “Who will help me roll the oranges?  Who will help me squeeze the oranges?  Who will help me drink the margaritas?”  
Much later in the afternoon the couple we'd met last night at El Plamar showed up too.  We'd seen these two sitting at a nearby table; each of them had both a beer and a margarita.  Justin and I decided we wanted to meet those two.  They joined us for dinner.  Fron New Zealand, they were in Celestun only to see the flamingoes.  We invited them to stop by and they did. 

And a fun time was had by all.  

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