Friday, December 6, 2019

Saturday, 23 November 2019: Casa Colibri

I guess I’d say I am used to the sounds of Mexico again.  Dogs barking, motorcycles revving  up as they progress after having slowed down for the tope that's right outside outside our gate.  The sounds of the waves lapping at the shore.  

The sargasso grasses died off this week so our beach looks like crap.  Justin, Miguel and Abraham worked out there for two days trying to clear an approach.  Part of the motivation was Mimi and her friends coming but more long term, Justin hopes it will help reestablish the berm again where the locals keep taking the sand.  

Mac came at the beginning of the week and finished our bodegas.  At the end of the week, Ivan and Jonathan came to finish the electrical work so we could have lights inside our closets.  I just couldn’t watch when they drilled into that magnificent wood.  In the end, I moved into my closet. 

All of our treasures were delivered from Home Depot.

Ivan and Jonathan started installing the solar water heaters.
Gemma found the perfect spot for observing the action

Carol arrived in back Celestun.  She spends summers in Toronto.  She came over a few times during the week.  She is eager to sell her house and it sounds as if she’s considering a lower price than she was earlier.  She feels as if she’s getting conflicting information from her realtor and her lawyer.  That puts her in a pickle.  Added to that, the guy that stayed at her house during the summer didn’t follow their agreement and many things are out of sorts.  

We joined friends for a lovely meal at Las Pampanos.  

Probably the best news this week was that Erich and Jordan booked their flights.  They will be here in early January.  We are super excited to get to show them our slice of Celestún life.

All in all, it was a busy but rather calm week.  I love our life!

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