Monday, December 30, 2019

Friday, 13 December 2019: Casa Colibri

Today was Chris Mirka’s birthday.  We joined her in celebration at Hacienda San Jose Pachul.  It was nice to see Richard and Jose again and it was a perfect ending to a crazy week.

On Friday Ricardo showed up at eleven o’clock after saying he’d be here at nine.  Maggui was here on Wednesday to clean as was the exterminator.  Aholi came on Thursday.  All this work going on is great and it means we were providing lunch each day — that’s a full time job.  

"Flat" chicken -- one of my favorites!

For Justin it was bodega week at Casa Colibri.  He cleaned out both the large and small bodega from top to bottom and all in between.  

Robert turned ten  this week and his birthday party was on Thursday.  I learned that Sandra’s birthday is 17 August— should have known she was a Leo.  She darned near killed me in Pilates this week.  It’s getting tougher but I guess that is good.  

Justin and Jeremy worked on the catamaran a few days.  One day they commandeered Abraham to get the mast stepped.  We are getting closer...

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