Friday, December 6, 2019

Monday, 25 November 2019: Casa Colibri

We hadn’t been home on a Monday morning in quite a while so that was nice this week.  

I made avocado toast for everyone for breakfast and we rather eased into our day.  Seema and Kanwarpol went to the beach and found their way to a few beverages at Poseidon.  

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Justin and I finished unloading the car and started washing dishes.  Sixteen plates, salad plates and bowls all with at least three stickers each meant a lot of sticky residue to remove.  I am not really sure how but Mimi ended up doing the bulk of the washing. Quality control revealed that two dinner plates need to go back.  I have reservations about the success of that but we will see. The frig was delivered this afternoon and the turkey is defrosting so now we are all set for thanksgiving dinner.

Somewhere in the course of the afternoon I mentioned to Mimi that I’d be out of pocket for a hour or so.  Her quick reply, “oh, is it nap time.”  When I relayed the exchange to Justin, I added “ and that is why we love Mimi.”

Dinner at El Palmar this evening.  The tequila was flowing. Even Patsy rolled her eyes when we ordered more.  Justin said we sounded like middle school girls giggling and laughing.

We stopped for churros and ice cream after for dessert before we fell into bed for sound, liquor induced sleep.  

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