Monday, December 30, 2019

Tuesday, 3 December 2019: Casa Colibri

We got Mimi off and on her way home.  She’ll fly first to Mexico City and then to Atlanta.  

When Mimi was here we learned that there is an art to standing up.  Yes, at this age, we are only now learning this fact.  The nexus of the new-found knowledge is that Mimi’s granddaughter stated that while she was a girl and mommy was a girl that Mimi was not, instead she was an old lady.  The distinction, through the eyes of a four-year old, was that Mimi made noises when she stood up.  Well, out of the mouths of babes.  So, we learned that one needs to stand... count to five... and then begin to walk.  We don’t need to rush these things.  If we take our time, we won’t need to be all hunched over and moaning and groaning like an old lady.  If you doubt this process, I encourage you to try it.  Whether you are standing up in a restaurant or getting up out of bed, no matter, take a moment to let your legs, hips and brain all get to a point where they are sharing the goal of forward motion... then you are ready to take the first step.  We all need to learn to count to five.  

We passed on breakfast at Casa Carmita and headed to Izamal, a small city about an hour on the west side of Merida.  We found a junk store along the way that we affectionately dubbed “junk store #42”.  Perhaps we will go back there for a few planters, vases and knick knacks.

Izamal is a quaint little village where all the buildings are yellow and, probably not surprisingly, we found a church there and we found good Mexican food.  My menu Spanish is pretty good but sometimes, you just don’t know.  I saw that the poc chuc was served with the marinated red onions that I like, so, when I ordered my panuchos, I told the waitress that I wanted the red poc chuc onions on top rather than sliced white onions.  She smiled and said ok and then I wondered ... would I really get the onions I wanted or would I get poc chuc on top of my panuchos?  As it turned out my fears were not necessary and my panuchos were wonderful.  

We found a great little store where Justin and I were quite interested in the goods made from sisal.  Several of the lamps and pieces of artwork definitely spoke to both of us but we settled on a few smaller items.  And, low and behold, we found some woven pieces we will be able to use for the lamp shades in our living room.  I do still like the terra-cotta pieces we have, or rather had, but we’ve not been able to find replacement pieces.  These choiceswill be fine and I’m eager to get them in place.  
Some decorating ideas for later

It was dark when we drove home and that road is just a bear.  

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