Monday, December 30, 2019

Sunday, 15 December 2019: Casa Carmita in Merida

We went sailing yesterday.  Jeremy ended up with this 18’ catamaran from the ladies who used to own their house and Justin is trying to teach him to sail.  Justin got out twice yesterday and I was able to join him on the second voyage out.  I was all about it.  

Carole had us over for dinner on Saturday evening.  She answered Jeremy’s request for Shepard’s Pie and tiramisu.  Great visit.  Since Carole has sold her house and is only waiting for paperwork, this may be one of the last dinners she host in that house.  She plans to host Christmas dinner so it’s probably not really the last supper.  

Sunday in December found us in Merida so we could watch the Packers defeat the Chicago Bears.  There are so many provisions we need to acquire and errands to run that we can justify spending the night in town plus Justin has a dental appointment tomorrow for the next steps on his bone graft and dental implants.  

We went by our favorite plant store and the car is already filled so I’m not really sure how I’ll pare
 down my grocery list, but we will press on tomorrow.  

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