Friday, December 6, 2019

Tuesday, 5 November 2019: Merida

We were at immigrations long before they opened to try to reclaim Justin’s phone.  We’d been told that the lady would be there early but we still couldn’t get in the dooor.  Thankfully, our prayers were answered and the phone was waiting for us.  The first call Justin made was to Mac to reschedule for next Monday.  I’m eager to get our closets but not so eager as to have him come when we are not at home. 

I picked up Justin’s photos while he finished up at immigrations.  
Now we were ready to start our day.  We had breakfast at a new little restaurant in the centro before we got Gemma and checked out of our hotel and it wasn’t even noon yet. 

Now it was time for errands.  
— I got another handful of keys made.  I’ll be glad to be done with this task and I’m getting close.
— We stopped by to see Isaac.  He wasn’t there but we made an appointment for him to come to the house for measuring granite for the bathroom in the family suite. 
— We stopped at a kitchen store we’d been eyeing for a while and found a digital thermometer as well as a few other items.  
— I ordered six bottles of distilled water for pick up next week. I haven’t found success in the half a dozen or so farmacias where I’ve looked and I’m not willing to dink around with this all season. 

Chris seems to be recovering well. I still can’t believe this surgery was outpatient in a clinic. 

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