Friday, December 6, 2019

Thursday, 28 November 2019: Casa Colibri

The week was filled with Pilates and workers as well as friends, food and tequila.  Seema and Kanwarpol changed their minds and left yesterday.  They had originally planned to stay through Saturday but decided they wanted to explore in Merida.  They seemed to have enjoyed their visit here with us; I think Mimi is glad now to be "off duty."

Not only do we have running very hot water in our new sink in the kitchen...

… we also have the beginnings of kitchen cabinets.  Antonio came to install the doors on what will be the broom closet/water closet.  In our house "water closet" doesnt have a British meaning.  Instead it is the closet where we keep the water.  More cabinets to come in less than two weeks.  

This morning I woke up quite early and started cooking for thanksgiving.  Carole came over to make our pumpkin pie.  Since she has no propane tank, and since she is in charge of the pie, she needed to bake it at our house. I provided the pumpkin and pie plate but Carole provided the skills and love.   And, I needed to be out of the oven with the dressing and the sweet potatoes before Justin went in the oven at 10:15. Maybe next year we really will have two ovens.

Ivan and Jonathan worked to ensure all the outlets were awake and that the oven and stove were hooked up.  This meant that I had to move back into the main kitchen.  Yes, today of all days, I had to move kitchens.  I really wish I’d had on a fitbit to track my steps.  I must have walked ten miles in between the two spots.  Meanwhile, Mimi was the dish fairy. Anytime Justin or I turned around all day, the dishes were clean and draining.  She worked all stinking day.

Dinner was at three pm: Carole, Tim and Janet, Allison and Jeremy, Robbie, Abraham, Mimi, Justin and me.  We had enough food for an army and it was so delicious.  Tim and Janet stayed longer than the others and Janet, thankfully, pitched in to scrub dishes.  

Right about 8pm we bid Mimi buenos noches and headed to bed.  I wasn’t necesarily sleepy, but I was shot.  We do have so much for which we are grateful.   It was great to be able to share the day with such good friends.  

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