Monday, December 30, 2019

Monday, 9 December 2019: Casa Colibri

We stayed home this weekend.  It was really nice.  Nancy came on Saturday.  Since Allison and Jeremy are returning to Texas soon, I’ve asked Nancy to change us to Thursday’s.  In the grand scheme of things it doesn’t really matter what day of the week she comes but I still want my Saturday.

Lolita came to paint on Sunday.  Since she can only come one day each week, we will be able to keep her in work for a long, long time.  

Evaristo came, we thought, only to deliver the materials for windows and screens, he worked at least half day on Sunday.  

Today, Monday, the house was full of workers.  Evaristo and his team were installing the windows and screens in the grand cocina while his colleague worked to repair the pig fence, the overhead door on the large bodega and then they even worked on our front gate.  Ivan and Jonathan meanwhile worked on the water, finalizing all the connections in all the rooms after hooking up the solar water heaters on the roof.   Lunch for seven today was an oven panini I read about on the Internet. (No pictures, perhaps they were all too hungry.)  It was a success and I’ll make it again.  Yes, I cooked in my new oven.  [I realized latr that the cinderblock i'd used as a weight in the oven was no longer in the litcken.  I guess Nancy didn't think that was cooking equipment.]
I can't make this picture any bigger.  This is huge! To have our solar water heaters hooked up is a HUGE step.  

If you look closely you'll see sparks flying as this guys welds.  
Note the location of the visor that protects his eyes.  

Colula likes the spot under the oven.  
A hibiscus in our jardin.  

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