Monday, December 30, 2019

Sunday, 22 December 2019: Casa Colibri

Lorayne’s birthday. I tried to reach her a week or so ago but as yet, no luck.  I hope she is doing well.  

Another Norte is blowing through today. We had a pretty good storm go through here on Wednesday.  I was a doozy but... it was only wind and rain.  Sandra cancelled Pilates class. 
Evaristo didn’t come and Ivan didn’t come.  Antonio let us know that with the wind he wouldn’t be able to finish the cabinets and that made sense.  None of the other cancellations made sense to me.  I guess I was looking at this through the eyes of a principal.  We’d never have cancelled school for this.  Maybe I lived in Okinawa too long; you just keep going.  Maggie came to clean and that was good.    I closed all the windows in the kitchen.
I love my kitchen!!!

The best news going this morning was that the wind blew down the rest of our garage.  I'd been bugging Justin about knocking it down since it was such an eyesore but it wasn't high enough on his list yet.  Guess God took care of me cause now it is down.  Justin and Abraham knocked out the posts that were remaining and then moved a few of the pavement blocks to make a walkway in another spot.  I wasn't too upset at all!

Best biscuits ever this morning -- at least according to Justin and me.  Today that's all that matters.  Not too long ago I learned to grate frozen butter.  Today I found that sweet spot between not overworking the dough so that it becomes tough but working it enough so that there are layers of delicious flakiness.  I need to make sure I can repeat this deliciousness.  Then, the next step will be to grate the butter and have it ready in the freezer.  Maybe I'll toss it with a tablespoon of flour.

Jake and Leslie came over on Wednesday evening.  I’d made tamale pie for the workers who didn’t show up so they joined us for dinner.  

On Saturday Jonathan made carachoal.  All the shells that washed up in the norte had critters living inside.  He'd gathered a huge bagful and came over to make ceviche for all of us.  Thankfully we had plenty on onion, limes and a few tomatoes and peppers on hand.

Ivan hung our new light fixture over the coffee table and then we repurposed the terra cotta fixture.  It now hangs in the corner and subtly illuminates the stone.  

Earlier in the week Abraham found a box turtle.  It was about 2 1/2 inches long.  T\Justin did a bit of research to learn that hey live to be 150 years old.  The don't do well in captivity so relatively little o=is known about them.  He carefully returned the girl to a safe place on our grounds.  Maybe we will see her next time we have lots of rain. 

It is all about impeachment in some conversations and it is all about football in others.  Justin and I are pretty psyched about the Vikings game on Monday night.  We will go to Merida tomorrow as we both have dental appointments and then we will head to Boston’s for perhaps the most important game of the season.

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