Friday, December 6, 2019

Friday, 29 November 2019: Hacienda San Jose Pachul

Black Friday.  We awoke rather early this morning to a host of ants.  They were all over. I sprayed and began sweeping; later, Abraham swept up just as many as I had done an hour earlier.  YUK!

Continuing my move into the grand cocina, I moved out of the refrigerator in the guest kitchen and told Abraham that would be his kitchen for a while.  He and Justin made a few plans for plants and for cleaning out the bodegas before we left at 11:30 to go to see Richard and Jose.  We’d made reservations for five so when Seema and Kanwarpal changed their plans and headed to Merida we were rather in a pickle.  I wasn’t willing to risk my relationship with Richard and Jose and I knew Mimi would pay for all three meals if she had to,  but we found a better alternative in asking Janet and Tim to join us.

We got to the Hacienda at exactly 12:30.  We enjoyed a few sour orange margaritas as we putzed in the pool.  Luncheon was served around 2:00pm.  Asparagus soup, poached pear and beet salad, Chile en Nogata (we had a choice of four entrees and this was my fav) and chocolate mousse and a bottle of wine later I was miserably stuffed...again.


We all went for a swim before lunch so there was not much in the way of hair or make-up for our luncheon.  
I want to remember both the sansevaria in the 
vase and the colors in this bathroom.  

When we got home and got settled and bit Mimi farewell for the evening, I put on my jammies and it was only 6:56pm. 

Maybe I’ll be more exciting tomorrow... maybe not.  

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