Friday, December 6, 2019

Saturday, 9 November 2019: Casa Colibri

Nancy came at 7:30 this morning and I worked right along with her until I drove her to the bus at 2:30.  My goodness that girl is a godsend.  Today was certainly different from Thursday when I did absolutely nothing after Aholi left.  Lolita will come tomorrow to paint one of the rooms in getting ready for Mimi. Yes, things are clicking at our house.  

I had a list of twent-three things that needed to be done first today.  Somewhere around three in the afternoon I sent a message to Antonio to tell him we wanted him to construct the kitchen cabinets.  I asked him if he could come by to iron out the next set of details and to pick up his initial payment to get going.  I got a response message within mere moments saying he was on his way.  We met with Antonio and his son Edwardo; they will order the cedar on Monday and we should see them again in about 15 days.  

Abraham and Justin worked in the courtyard and it is looking great.  

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Kris posted pictures of our lakeshore property.  Mandi gave it a thumbs down and I agree. 

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