Monday, April 22, 2019

Sunday, 21 April 2019: Brussels

Justin was on onion chopping detail this morning.  I was ready to make a batch of onion marmalade.   (I made some two years ago that was scrumptious but I don’t know which recipe I followed so this time I sort of made it up on my own.) 

That will be for later but today I also made onion shortcake and asparagus to go with our ham. I even tried my hand at Beverley’s 60 minute rolls.  I hadn’t made them in maybe 25 years.  They were delicious. I made deviled eggs but forgot to serve them so they’ll be delicious tomorrow.   I started with mimosas early in the day and Justin enjoyed his Oban.  We watched tv a bit.  We totally enjoyed the day.  

Easter and Springtime.  No, we didn’t go to church.  I said my prayers of thanksgiving and had a chat with God while I was out by the water.  It will be awhile before it is what I call truly spring here but there are promising signs.  The bulbs we planted are trying to push there way up through the soil.  A few birds sing their songs of springtime.  The days are longer and the temps are warmer, a bit.  I raked a good bit of the front yard; with all the deer scat in our yard we should be set for fertilizer.

I was reminded that it was three years ago at Easter brunch at David and Susan Hemmer’s in Kaiserslautern where Justin and I first shared the news that we’d taken VSIP and VERA and that we were retiring.  Three years!!!

Saturday, 20 April 2019: Brussels

Justin and I have been busting it the past few days since we returned to Brussels.
Justin worked first on getting the heaters on, water re-connected and shutters down while I worked on  uncovering the cushions on couches and chairs, getting the bed made and getting the phone and internet connected.

We had a glitch with the water: Justin had gone through the exact same procedures for blowing out the lines that he’d done last winter but this year some pipes burst.  The plumber we called explained that it had been such a rough winter that many people were having similar problems.  After the water was on and the hot water heater humming we were in business.

When we moved our attention to outside we started raking.  And then we raked some more.  At least there was no snow.  Don and Amy, our next door neighbors, still have a bit of a snow bank in their yard but thankfully, we have none.  Don had to get the snow blower going for our driveway when we returned last year.  Thankfully this year it wasn’t so.  The water in the bay is already up farther than it ever was last year which isn’t what we wanted at all as these high levels will not allow us to get any work done on the break wall.

There was a moment when I was reminded of our days in Mexico, but only a moment.  The plumber was at the house working and at the same time the guy came to pump the holding tank.  So, two sets of workers at the house except today, Justin and I weren’t just supervising, this time we were working too.

After a quick trip to Woodmans we went to the sailing club to meet Chris.  Chris is buying the Emerald.  He doesn't know how to sail but he knows how to repair the engine.  He's done some work on both the Emerald and the Merlin; Justin is happy to teach him to sail and will sponsor Chris to join Windjammers Sailing Club.  In effect, we are inviting Chris and his three year old daughter into our family.  

We made our first trip to Marchants to buy a ham for Easter dinner and a few other essentials -- things like bacon ... and cheese...essentials.  I stopped by the post office to tell them we were back so they’d start delivering our mail again.  When I walked in, Postmaster Penny was on the phone.  She saw me, smiled and continued her phone conversation.  As soon as she hung up, she turned to another lady in the back and said “the Miller’s are back.”  Then she came to talk to me.  Carl stopped by to say hey and to tell us of his winter.  We were home in time for a spectacular sunset.

Yes, it is nice to be back.

Wednesday, 17 April 2019: Milwaukee to Brussels

The final leg of our journey.
Justin was on grandpa/bus duty this morning when he took Lilly to school.  We had time to visit with Brody and Fin and Erich before Erich had to go to work.  We got on the road by noon and were into Green Bay in time to go to Costco before we met Don at the house at 6:30pm when he turned the pump on.

Tuesday, 16 April 2019: Springfield to Milwaukee

We got into Milwaukee just in time to see Brody as he headed out to his half-day kinder class.  He was bummed that he didn’t get to spend more time with Captain Grandpa but we knew we’d be there when he got home.  We went to visit Eli and Mike and Mandi before Eli went to track practice.  He will run in the 100 yd dash and in a shot putt type event in this summer’s special olympics.  

Back at Erich’s we headed to Hale House for dinner.  Erich, Lily, Brody, Fin and Justin and I arrived first.  Holly and Lynn joined us soon after.  Dinner took a bit too long for the kids, but that is almost to be expected.  Full as a tick and back at home we all were ready to wind down for the evening.

Abraham sent pics of the plants maturing even in the short time we've been gone.

Monday, 15 April 2019: Miami to Springfield, Illinois

Our drive today lead us through a bit of the Mark Twain National forest.  Again, the scenery was magnificent.  We took time for a bit of a stretch along a river.  We had to get back in the car all too soon.

When we were in St Louis we got to visit with Cousin Georgeanne for a bit.  The condo she inherited is for sale so we stopped by to see that and to visit.  We didn’t see any of the other cousins but Justin did get to talk to both Jim and Mike.  We really should spend more time there next time.

Jake and Leslie sent pics that document all the rocks have been moved.  We all think the locals will want access for Semana Santa (Easter).  Just access ot the beach is fine, but throwing their trash everywhere and stealing the sand is not.  Jake wants to get Abraham to reset the rocks regularly and or pour concrete over them.  I don't want to jeopardize Abraham nor do I think right at this holiday time is the right time to flex your muscles.  Oh, dear... what to do?

Sunday, 14 April 2019: Austin to Miami, Oklahoma

After hugs and farewells we left Austin right at 9am.  Dellene had made sausage kolaches to go with Sherri’s cinnamon rolls.  She sent us on our way with a bag of oranges as well as the Readers Digest book of 120 most scenic drives in America.  We did number 77 today on our way to Miami, Oklahoma. The drive took us through “Cherokee Country.”  Justin and I both have lore in our family about being Native American, Cherokee actually.  When we did the test with, it turned out that neither of us has that at all.  Still, Justin was reminded of the Trail of Tears stories he’s heard all his life.  The dogwood and the redbuds were in bloom and the scenery was simply spectacular.  We got into Miami late enough to just fall into bed.  We were tired.

We saw more wildflowers in north Texas today than we'd seen so far anywhere.  
They are simply spectacular!

The sunset was pretty phenomenal too!

When we get into a hotel room, one of the first things we do is set up
Gemma's food and water.  This evening I guess we weren't quite
quick enough as she went into her bag to get out her own toys.  Notice how
nicely she has stacked the two doughnuts as she gets the third. 
 Later he got out her thunder-shirt.  Perhaps she was telling us 
she is tired of being in the car and wants to be home -- me too Gemma.

Saturday, 13 April 2019: Georgetown

We all woke up too early.  It was promising to rain but we had our sights set on the historic homes tour in Georgetown.  I made a frittata deliciouso for breakfast before we headed first to Steinmart in Georgetown.  The Steinmart location right by Dellene’s house has closed unfortunately so now we have to go to Georgetown.  I found a few items there and then we started our homes tour. There were five houses on the tour; the first was a church from 1881.  Justin had said he’d like to go too; he said he was interested in seeing more of what’s going on in Georgetown.  I think he’s warming up to the idea of Sun City.  I don’t think we want to set up the house just yet but later, I think he’ll be ready.

So the promised rain came through.  It rained cats and dogs.  I know that the weather had a negative impact on turnout for the tour, but we did our part.  After visiting all the homes we went to the square for lunch and dessert.   Sherri, Steve’s ex-wife, has opened a bakery, 18 Carrot Bakery — yes, her signature treat is carrot cake.  We bought carrot cake, hummingbird cake, German chocolate cake, French bread and cinnamon rolls for in the morning.  Yummy!

When we got home, we saw that Dellene’s neighborhood had experienced quite a windstorm.  A few limbs were down and there were leaves and twigs everywhere.  It must have been something.

Friday, 12 April 2019: Georgetown

We had an appointment at 10am at the Kia dealership in RoundRock.  They were very interested in receiving an excellent rating for customer service.  I thought it was a bit excessive.   They had a jigsaw puzzle going for folks like me who were waiting so the time passed quickly.  Justin spent his time looking at new cars.

Next stop was Georgetown to meet Lisa and Charles for lunch.  We met at Playa Cafe for Greek fare — no Mexican food for us yet, maybe not for a while.

Then to the storage unit to visit our stuff and then a drive-by of our house on Winter Drive.  Kristen and Randall are new neighbors across the street but they weren’t home.  On our drive home we saw more bluebonnets than we’d seen anywhere so far.  That always brings a smile to my face.

Dellene beat us home since she’d left work a bit early.  Indian food for dinner — yummy!

Thursday, 11 April 2019: Austin

I got up early enough to talk to Dellene before she went to work.  But, we had so much to talk about she ended up running late anyway.  Justin and I were able to have a lazy, lazy morning. We read, I worked on the blog a bit and we watched a bit of HGTV and the Food Network too.

The Whole Food Market flagship store is in Austin.  Justin said he’d never been to a Whole Foods so that was on the top of the hit parade this morning.  We both enjoyed wondering through the isles looking at all the epicurean items and just watching the people.  Justin was particularly impressed that he could have a beer right there in the market so we settled right in at the bar. Justin said that next time we go we shouldn’t have a menu in mind already.  Tonight’s dinner will be rotisserie chicken, wilted spinach salad, roasted Brussels sprouts, mustard potato salad and a artesian nine grain bread from their on-site bakery.  I am ready to cook again.  I’ve got some recipes picked out and  I can’t wait until fresh produce is available from farmers market.

Dellene had plans to go to a “retire ready” wine and cheese event.  She invited us to go with her but instead, I chose to pass.  That meant Justin and I could stay at home and watch more HGTV and Food Network.

Some people clean their house before company comes. Dellene had her yard cleaned up. She said she didn't want Justin to have a heart attack.  42 bags later, I think the waste management folks might have had a heart attack!

Wednesday, 10 April 2019: Luling into Austin

Left uncle Harold’s about 10am heading to Luling to meet Jeremy and Allison at City Market for BBQ. Great visit with them.  I still can’t believe she was able to take off a couple of hours right in the middle of tax season.  I was not disappointed with my BBQ here!

Into Austin and to Dellene’s.  We saw a few more bluebonnets along the way but not too many.  Dellene was babysitting Branson while Chris and Veronica went out to dinner so we got to see that half of the family.

It is so nice just to hang out and visit with Dellene.  There’s no pressure here, we can just hang and relax.

Dellene acts as our Postmaster when we are
on the road.  She'd told me it was time to come
home since our "mail box" was overflowing.

Tuesday, 9 April 2019: Alvin

Duff day around the house.  Uncle Harold spent a good bit of time cleaning up his desk after finishing taxes. That chore is waiting for me when we return to Green Bay.  I filed for an extension so I don’t have to sweat just yet.

 Justin and I went for a walk in the neighborhood while Charlsy went to work for a couple of hours at the local food pantry.  I saw a red mailbox shaped like a football that read "Roll Tide".  Folks from Alabama are pretty outnumbered here.  I also saw a flag waving in one yard that had a picture of a semi-automatic rifle and the words "come and take it".  Almost every Texas knows that these were the words sewn into a flag that flew at the Battle of Gonzales in what was perhaps the first battle in the Texas fight for independence.  Texas fighting spirit aside,  I can't say I like it used in this context.

Four of my favorite guys 
and delicious tenderloin fillets from Perry's meat Market.

Hal and Will came over for steaks.  Charlsy showed me a new way to nuke corn on the cob and then clean it — effortless. I’ll be doing it that way from now on!

Monday, 8 April 2019: Alvin

After coffee and then toast with Price’s pimiento cheese, Justin and I left the house bound for the DMV so I could get a new drivers license.  Now I can’t say just how fun this is in other states, but in Texas I rank it right there with a root canal on the ol' fun-meter.  It seemed like several hours later and with my temporary slip in hand, we stopped by the outlet mall since we all know that retail therapy will cure most ails.

Dinner at Top Water Grill in San Leon with Hal and William was a crowning event of the day.  Chami is in Thailand so it was just the boys.  Will is following in Hals’s footsteps as he is interested in bull riding.  He’s not one to bother with mutton busting.  He’s riding calves and steers on his way to bulls.  He’s already won $120 and he is nine years old!  When Justin heard he had all this lute, he asked Will for a loan.  Will asked him “is it for a need or a want?”  Out of the mouths of babes.

The Baylor girls won in their basketball tourney but Texas Tech lost to Virginia in the final of Men’s NCAA tournament.  It was a heartbreaker in overtime.  I don’t really care one way or the other for basketball, but these were Texas teams and you have to pull for the home team, right?

 Paul McCartney will be at Lambeau Field in June. Can we go?
Packer season opener is at Soldier Field against the Bears.  Can we go?