Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Wednesday, 15 November 2017: Cotulla, Texas

We stopped for the night about an hour north of the border in Cotulla. Last year we learned from Evaristo, our real estate friend in San Miguel de Allende, that the place to cross the border is Puente Columbia. The crossing is a bit west of Laredo. Any time we might lose driving to extra 26 miles is easily reclaimed since there are no lines and no delay at all. 

Sunset on the desert -- our first day in Mexico
I knew our paperwork from the lien holder on our car might be an issue but halfway through the paper chase I realized I had changed the American insurance on our new car but not the Mexican insurance.  (I got on the phone as soon as we got back in the car.)  And all that trouble we went through to get paperwork for Gemma?  For the second year in a row no one even asked about her. This year we even asked them; they said we were good to go!  

We crossed the border officially at 3:36pm. We decided to head to Saltillo for our first evening. 
We thought we'd arrive about 7:30 pm. We don't want to travel at night and this was pushing it a bit.  We saw hundreds of Monarch butterflies just south of the border. Within an hour we a climbing and into the mountains. My ears started popping. The mid-80' thermometer is dropping too. 

Our odometer read 1018 miles when we entered Mexico.  We'll see what it says in a month or so. 

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