Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Tuesday, 7 November 2017: Alvin

Charlsy headed back to Rey's pretty early this morning and Uncle Harold went to Perry's to buy steaks for dinner tonight. Justin started giving Gemma a much needed trim and then... all the electricity went off. We didn't realize those little clippers were quite so strong as to flip breakers. I checked the breaker box and found nothing amiss do I trekked down the street to see that the neighbors had lights so headed back home.  No power meant Justin had to finish Gemma with shears.   I started trying to contact the electric company. After well over an hour with precious little success I gave all my notes to Uncle Harold; Justin and I headed for lunch with Bill and Diana. Uncle Harold finally learned what he needed to do to straighten up the billing issue but not after his cell phone lost all its charge. What a mess!
Meanwhile Bill, Diana, Justin and I were enjoying the best BBQ ever...made right here in Alvin, Texas at Joes BBQ. Man this stuff is good!!!  Bill and Diana lost everything during Harvey.  They've been meeting with contractors and working like crazy.  They are entertaining the idea of selling as is and starting over.  It is a huge decision.  They are keeping good attitudes and thankfully they have their coach parked in the driveway -- their primary home for the next 6 month to a year.

Hal, Chami, Will and their puppy came over for dinner. The steaks were great. Visits with Hal are always entertaining; I just wish we could see them more often. Why didn't I take more pictures?

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