Saturday, November 18, 2017

Friday, 6 October 2017: 1429 N Bayshore Rd

Jason, Kent and Justin planning next steps
Kent, the tree guy came over today.  He trimmed our trees and cut the cable from the maple.  The view was great when he was here and the yard looks so much better now.  
We have lots of clean up to complete now, but wow, what a difference!

Justin has known Kent and his family for several years.  He used to teach with his mom in two different schools and Kent is a very good friend of Jordan.  (Yes, we got the family rate for today's services.)  in addition to having a degree in horticulture, Kent is also an artist.  Justin and I plan to go see his newly displayed commission for Aurora Health.  I understand the brass, glass and copper piece is quite large and magnificent.

Jason and his five year old son Parker also came came over today and installed the beam at the end of the kitchen cabinet.  This will be the beginning of the bar.  We also talked to Jason about the next steps on the wall and about the cabinet for the microwave.  Hopefully this can be a winter project.  I started my research on what microwave to buy ... time to shop!

Mid-morning, hundreds of cormorants flew by. 
All the guys had gathered to watch  There were
so many, I still had time to go get my
camera and catch the shot.

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