Saturday, November 18, 2017

Wednesday, 1 November 2017: Murfreesboro, Tennessee

We met Mary for brunch at First Watch. She is adjunct faculty at a local college teaching a freshman orientation class as well as music appreciation.  Funny how that work thing still gets in the way from time to time.  

John took us on a driving tour of Murfreesboro that gave him a chance to shine as a local tour guide.  

  Later in the afternoon we had happy hour on the grounds at Arrington Winery.  Our tour, of course, included  a stop at Fat Willy's. John bought this pool hall several years ago. He goes in to check on things each morning while daughter Katy runs the bar. We were able to have a quick visit with her too.We earned our keep at the Leinard Hotel by cooking; I made Chicken Dijon for dinner and Justin was on cleanup duty. 


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