Saturday, November 18, 2017

Wednesday, 13 September 2017: 1429 N Bayshore Road

Today was the day for application of spray foam insulation to the walls in the front room and the entire underside of our Rolohome.  The guys got here about 9:30am and did not leave until close to 11:00pm.  The first step was to remove all the old insulation from the underside.  This step was critical since our friendly native raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, etc really like to use that insulation to make nests.  Over the years when the heating system wasn't used, these critters had built quite the fortress in our heater and we almost had to buy a new heating system.  This year, they'll need to look elsewhere for fodder.  Justin had thought he'd crawl around under there and cart all that crap out.  Let me tell you, that was the best $600 we've spent lately and Justin was still in there pitching.  It took those guys forever and it was nasty.  My job was to bundle it all up and get it into trash bags.  Two raccoon carcasses and twelve contractor bags later, they guys were ready to start applying the foam.  The fumes are toxic so we were destined to stay outside and enjoy yet another sunset.  A huge added bonus of this project is the structural stability the foam brings to the house.  It is really solid ... no more bouncy house.  Nice!!!

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