Saturday, November 18, 2017

Saturday, 30 September 2017: Brussels

The autumnal equinox was in the middle of last week.  We've had five consecutive days of sunshine.  Where was this weather during summer?  Also last week, we attacked the west wall of the front room.  The next hurdle was scraping off the glue and getting boards ready. 

Last Sunday we spent the day with Jason in his shop giving the boards their first passes through the planner and the joiner.  Next Justin will temporarily place them on the walls to make plan placement and a first coat of varnish on the back.

Today we went to Jason's workshop at 9am and left there at 3:30pm.  We planed and sanded and then sealed and applied the finish to the boards for the walls in the front.  We touched every single board at least a dozen times in the cours of the day.  I'd never worked with wood before and I was amazed at the life and the character in each piece. 

Boats decorated for the end of season celebration

After a quick shower, we headed to Windjammers for the end-of-season banquet.  Terry Gay was in charge and the event was a resounding success.  Our participation in the sailing season will look different next year.  For now we'll focus on getting the engine in the Morgan repaired.

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