Saturday, November 18, 2017

Saturday, 21 October 2017: 1429 N Bayshore Rd

On Monday of this week the tree by the driveway fell.  Justin was on the phone talking to Jordan and the line went dead at the same moment that I heard a strange noise from outside.  I went outside to see and first noticed that a power line was drooping significantly.  Following that, I soon found the cause.  Yes, that tree was down...the same tree I had backed into and broke a taillight the first time we looked at the property.  When Kent, the tree guy, was here a few weeks ago, we asked him to look at the tree since it had a tilt to it that made it clear the tree needed to come down.. Kent anticipated a cost of close to $1,000 to take down the close to 50' tall tree.   And, now ... well I guess we saved some money.  We darned near lost a sailboat since the Cape Cod Mercury was sitting only about five feet from where the tree fell.    Our cars, thankfully, were near the garage.  We were able to drive through Don and Amy's yard to get the cars out.  We called the electric company and they came out right away.  Why did the tree fall?  Who knows.  The correct combination of wet or dry for the soil?  The perfect gust of wind.  Alignment of the planets?

Today Don and Amy came over to saw up the tree or at least part of it.  They'll use if for fire wood throughout the winter.  They loaded what they could into their truck and will wait to get a splitter since the rest of the pieces are too large to lift.  Don was worried that the logs would be in our way.  We assured him not to worry since we'd be on our way quite soon.

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