Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Thursday, 16 November 2017: Saltillo

Yes, we woke up in Mexico this morning. We've teased each other for the past three months "...you want to go to Mexico with me?"  And here we are!

We had the car packed and were at breakfast by 7:30.  We were on our way to Zacatecas. 
It was 65' or so when we started out this morning and the mercury dropped with our increase in altitude.  All sorts of cacti in this desert. It had to be next to impossible to eek out a life here. There is a strange sense of the familiar too although it is much more green than last year.  Of course, we are at least six weeks earlier.  

Justin was thrilled since we were getting 48 mpg in our new car. And as good as that gas mileage is we still have to get gasoline from time to time. We made one of those stops on the way from Saltillo to Zacatecas in Concepcion del Oro.  The town also might have been called City of the river of gold (Ciudad del rio del oro).  We might want to check out this town for overnight stops. Hotels and restaurants looked promising.  

Into the colonial city of Zacatecas for the Museo de la Inquisicion. "Icky but informative" was the comment Justin left in the guest book. We figured we understood only about 10% of the Spanish only tour but that portion was quite enough. Halfway through I felt lightheaded and thought I'd need to sit down.  Justin reminded me that I might have been experiencing the effects of the increase in altitude.  Either way, I pressed through but was quite content to sit for a moment when we were back outside in the sunshine.  .

We roamed around the historic city center for a while and bought some cheese and wine.  Back on the road we headed to Aguascaliente determined to arrive before nightfall. 

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