Saturday, November 18, 2017

Friday, 27 October 2017: 1429 N Bayshore Road

The walls in the front room are up.  The wall in the living room behind the tansu is up.  Even the Rolohome emblem is displayed.  Justin and I have been pushing to get it all done to be able to leave.  This wood, that has taken a life all its own, had to be installed before we left since we couldn't leave it sitting all winter.  Additionally, Justin needed to build some sort of shutters to cover our windows for security while we are gone. been working for four days straight, taking short naps and then getting back with it.  We hoped to be able to leave on Wednesday 25 October and then we moved that to the 27th.  We didn't make it today, but we are oh, so close.  Even from our first conversations, we figured that anything before 1 November and we'd still be "on time."

I think I'll try to capture a list of all the things we've needed to do to shut down the house as well as a list of things to pack.  The lists will always be evolving but, for me, it is easier to start with a list than to try to remember everything.  We are both dog tired, but the promise of the beach keeps us going.

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